Next special information on August 6th/2016!!

 Next special information on August 6th/2016!! 


Cosmos toast masters will hold meeting and also Summer party on 8/6th/2016!
In the meeting, member will do wonderful speech and evaluation and table topic as usual.
In summer party, We, officers, set the chance to connect each member, jumping out the usual meeting room! Enjoy healthy foods and drinks, relax and feel the summer evening wind at beautiful cozy terrace! Guests from other clubs are also welcome!! You could attend from our regular meeting in the afternoon or directly to this party at evening!


Meeting’s information
Time & Date: Saturday, August 6th at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Venue: Chiyoda City Fujimi Community Center / 
Address:1-6-7, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0071 / 
Access from Iidabashi Station:
• JR line - 5-minute walk from West Exit of Iidabashi Station
• Tokyo-Metoro - 5-minute walk from B2a Exit of Iidabashi Station
• Oedo subway line - 5-minute walk from B2a Exit of Iidabashi Station

Summer party information

Date2016/8/6 Sat. 17:30-19:30
VenueKoishikawa Terrace
Address: bubkyouku suidou 1-3-3
Access13min from Iidabashi ST /
Fee2,980yen+1,080yen = 4,060yensee in detail below






日時 8月6日(土)14:00〜16:00
住所:〒102-0071 東京都千代田区富士見1-6-7
アクセス:• JRからお越しの場合 - 飯田橋駅西口から徒歩約5分です。
都営大江戸線、東京メトロ各線 - B2b」出口から徒歩約5分です。


日時 2016年8月6日(土) 17:30〜19:30
会場 小石川テラス URL:
住所 〒112-0005 東京都文京区 水道1丁目3-
アクセス 飯田橋駅より徒歩13分