トーストマスターズについて / About Toastmasters
問1. トーストマスターとはどのような団体ですか?
Q1. What kind of organization is Toastmasters International?
問2. スピーチや英語を指導してくれる先生はいるのでしょうか?
Q2. Can I learn from some teachers in the club?
Q3. What kind of people participate in your club?
見学から入会まで / Steps to join us
問4 . ゲストとしての訪問は何回まで可能ですか?
Q4. How many times can we join the meeting as a guest?
問5. ゲストとしての訪問3回は日にちが空いても良いのですか?
Q5. Do the guests have to join the meeting three times in a row?
問6. 見学から入会までの流れを教えてください。
Q6. How do you proceed a membership application?
費用について / About fees
問7. 会費はいくらですか?
Q7. How much does it cost to become a member of your Club?
問8. 会費以外にかかる費用はありますか?
Q8. Does it cost to be a member besides the entrance and monthly fee?
Q9. If I withdraw from the club, would you refund the entry fee or monthly due?
After freezing the membership, is membership fee reduced?
会員間のコミュニケーションについて / Communication amont the members
問10. 会員同士は連絡をどうやってとりあっているのですか?
Q10. How usually do the members contact each other?
問11. 月2回の開催とありますが、仕事が忙しく必ず参加出来るか不安です。必ず出ないといけませんか?
Q11.Even though the meeting is held twice a month, I’m worried about whether or not I can attend all meetings because I’m busy with my work. Do I have an obligation to attend all?
問12. どの位の頻度でスピーチはまわってくるのですか?
Q12.How often can I make a speech?
Q13. Is it possible to attend the meeting though I can’t speak Japanese?
問14. トーストマスターズクラブの例会は全て英語で行われているのですか?
Q14. Are club sessions conducted all in English?
問15. 会員の英語のレベルはどうですか?
Q15. How is the English level of your club?
Q16. I am worried about my ability of English. What level do I need to join your club?
問17. スピーチやプレゼンテーションのスキルアップの為ではなく、英語学習を目的として通いたいのですがその様な目的でも参加しても良いのでしょうか?
Q17. May I join your club in order to learn English, not to improve skills of speech or presentation?
心配・不安 / Worries
Q18. I am worried about whether I can speak as well as members.
Q19.How much hour do I need for the meeting in addition to present the meeting?& Is it hard to prepare for the meetings?
Q20. I am wondering whether it is not useful to improve English pronunciation because there are no teachers and most of the members are not native speakers.
Q21. There are no teacher, at the same place, with the same curriculum. In such circumstance, can I expect to improve my conversation facility?