Recent meeting schedule

【Recent meeting schedule】

☆Welcome to Cosmos☆

5/19 #114th Regular meeting -Atlas Edogawa apartment
New Officers(2018.7-2019.6) Election 

6/2   #115th Regular meeting -Tokyo Volunteer Action Center Room#A  

6/19  #116th Regular meeting -Atlas Edogawa apartment 

New Officers(2018.7-2019.6) Install ceremony 

We sometimes  hold the regular meeting at different venue.Please be careful.

◆Please check the page of "meeting schedule " as for our meeting schedule and venue.

■Meeting Schedule&Venue

We always welcome your visit.

There is good opportunity to practice communication skill safely and cheerfully.

Meeting report on 5th May, 2018

Meeting report of  113rd Cosmos TMC Regular meeting on May. 5th, 2018.

TMOD: TM Ryoko

Best Speaker: TM Tamaho
Best Table Topcs Speaker: TM Fuyo
Best Evaluator: TM Hirohisa

Cosmos TMC's 113rd  regular meeting was held at Atlas Edogawa located on Iidabashi. While in holidays, we had our meeting in a cozy atmosphere.

We welcomed 3 prepared speakers including 2 Icebreaker speech by new members.

We Cosmos Toastmasters Club members  learn among others and here is the place we can practice speech and leadership experience 
safely without hesitation.

We always welcome your visit♪