Next meeting on July 2 at 2pm to 4pm

Next Cosmos meeting’s information

Time & Date: Saturday, July 2 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Chiyoda City Fujimi Community Center / 千代田区富士見区民館

Address:1-6-7, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0071 / 
            〒102-0071 東京都千代田区富士見1-6-7 

Access from Iidabashi Station: 

·                JR line - 5-minute walk from West Exit of Iidabashi Station
·                Tokyo-Metoro - 5-minute walk from B2a Exit of Iidabashi Station
·                Oedo subway line - 5-minute walk from B2a Exit of Iidabashi Station


·                JRからお越しの場合 - 飯田橋駅西口から徒歩約5分です。
·                都営大江戸線、東京メトロ各線 - B2b」出口から徒歩約5分です。

Please feel free to join our meeting anytime.

Special Seminar Invitation

Cosmos Toastmasters Club is proud to present two powerful seminars and workshops titled "Buiding Your Thinking Power, Part I: Mental Flexibility" and "Building Your Thinking Power Part II:The Power of Ideas", which are the parts of the modules in the "SUCCESS COOMUNICATION" series in the Toasmasters Curriculum.

Seminar and Workshop Host: Sam Mchombo


Sam Mchombo is・・・

an avid and aspiring Toastmaster since November 2012. He has accomplished the following

  • Conducted over 50 speeches within Toastmasters
  • Served as master of ceremonies for District 76 English contest at District 76 Spring Conference 2015
  • Served successfully one year as a club officer, two years as a Toastmasters district officer

Sam is a product of the seminars he is conducting. After having some challenges in life due to traditional thinking, he experienced several paradigm shifts such as becoming more mentally flexible and acting on ideas that seem outlandish and unrealistic.

In these seminars and workshops, Sam shares the Toastmasters Curriculum on how to build your thinking power by being more mentally flexible and power of ideas and also how he benefited from them.

It is Sam's hope that you enjoy and benefit immensely from these seminars and workshops.

Building Your Thinking Power Part I:Mental Flexibility

June 25th 18:00 - 21:30

- Do you desire to think more creatively?
- Do you want to network with friends and new people?
- Have you ever hoped for such a seminar and workshop to help you with accomplish all this?

If you have all these dilemmas, then this workshop and seminar may be just for you.
Here are answers to questions you may have.

Saturday, June 25th, 2016 from 18:00 - 21:30

Toyosu Civic Center, 8F, Seminar Room 2

Absolutely Free (無料) (Yes, you heard right. This seminar is free.)
However, kindly sign up in advance for preparation purposes

By the end of this workshop, participants will have learned how to:
  • Develop listening and feedback skills- Exercise perceptual skills and mental flexibility
  • Interpret information in an open-minded way
  • Determine what causes people to react negatively
  • Increase awareness of varying points of view
  • Illustrate the importance of suspending value judgments and waiting for more information
  • Learn semantic flexibility and its impact on the thinking process
  • Think strategically
Guests are welcome.Please sign up here if you are interested in.
>>>Registration form

Building Your Thinking Power, Part II:The Power of Ideas

June 26th 18:00 - 21:00

- Do you have challenges coming up with ideas?
- Are you stuck?
- You know there are better ways of doing things but you have no idea how to do it?

If you have all these dilemmas, then this workshop and seminar may be just for you.
Here are answers to questions you may have.

Sunday, June 26th, 2016 from 18:00 - 21:00

Toyosu Civic Center, 8F, Seminar Room 2

Absolutely Free (無料) (Yes, you heard right. This seminar is free.)
However, kindly sign up in advance for preparation purposes

By the end of this workshop, participants will have learned how to:
  • Enhance imagination
  • Produce fluent ideas
  • Exercise the skill of hypnothesing
  • Create ideas through brainstorming
Guests are welcome.Please sign up here if you are interested in.
>>>Registration form

We hope you enjoy our seminar and we look forward to seeing you there.

Regular meeting was held on June 18

We held regular meeting at Atlas Edogawa Apartment. We welcomed one guest from Indonesia today.
Toastmaster of the Day: TM Takeda
The Best Table Topics Speaker: TM Taniguchi
The Best Evaluator: TM Sam Mchombo 
The Best Speaker: TM Saiki Akane
1st Speaker Saito Momoyo
タイトルは[My learning from height]、自身の身長にまつわる話から得た学びをみなさんに優しい雰囲気で伝えていただきました。
2nd Speaker Kimさん
本日、KimさんはCC3「Get to the point」を達成いたしました。タイトルは「Three tips to improve small talk」。いかにして人ととの距離を縮めるのかを自身の体験を交えて話してくれました。非常に前向きな気持ちになりました。
3nd Speaker Saiki Akane
本日、Akaneさんは、CC2「Organize your speech」を達成いたしました。タイトルは「Go on a trip!」。Saikiさんのスピーチはなめらかな発音で、南フランスの旅の情景が浮かんでくるようでした。
Annual Best Evaluator はTM Mineko Taniguchi、そしてAnnual Best Speaker and Table Topics Speaker は、CosmosToastmasters Club のfounder TM Shigetaka Katow さんでした。みなさん、おめでとうございます。
来季は、新会長 TM Yasuo Takeuchi さんの指揮のもとさらなる飛躍をいたします。

Meeting on June 18 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Next meeting will be held

Time & Date: Saturday, June 18 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Venue: Atlas Edogawa Apartment House
Access: 8 minutes walk from Iidabashi station

Please feel free to join our meeting anytime.

ATLAS Edogawa Apartment House
〒162-0814 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinogawamachi, 6−18

Directions to the venue →
Briefing of Toastmasters Club meeting →

Regular meeting was held on June 4

We held regular meeting at Bunkyo Fukushi Center. We welcomed 1 guest from Indonesia today.
Toastmaster of the Day: Ms. Kishigami
The Best Table Topics Speaker: Ms. Saito
The Best Evaluator: Mr. Mchombo
The Best Speaker: Ms. Naoi
1st Speaker: 津田さん
今日10回目のスピーチをし、Competent Communicator を達成するまでの道のりをユーモアを交えて話してくれました。
2nd Speaker: Naoiさん
3rd Speaker: Kさん(初スピーチ)
津田さんが Competent Communicator を達成しました。おめでとうございます!
また、今日も入会式が行われ、3名の新しいメンバーが入会しました!Cosmos Toastmasters Club は今期たくさんの新メンバーを迎えています。次はあなたの番です!