Next Meeting information (2017/10/21)

Time & Date: Saturday,  21st October at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Tokyo Voluntary Action Center Access 

Access from JR:

Get off at IIDABASHI Station of JR Sobu Line. Visit the building just in front of the station. 
(20 storeys. You can see a large signboard of 'RAMLA' mall on it from the platform.) 
Take an elevator to the 10th floor.

Access by Subway:

Get off at IIDABASHI Station, which means the Y13, T06, N10 or E06 station on either Y, T, N or E Line. Take the B2b Exit, then an elevator to the 10th floor.

Please feel free to join our meeting anytime.




Division B Tall Tales Speech Contest

★Division B Contest  successfully adjourned!! 

Date :9th October (Monday,holiday )PM
Venue :National Olympics Memorial Youth Center
(Sangubashi station)

Two fantastic members from Cosmos participated in Division B  Speech Contest and 
both contestants got 3rd place.

We are proud of  TM Junya and TM Yasuhide!!
Great job and thank you for the wonderful performance with lots of fun an power.

In addition to great speakers ,lots of leaders and supporters also created this memorial contests 
Many thanks to all of you.
See you at the next stage ,District 76(All Japan)  Fall Conference !!

【Let's go and resister now!!】2017 District 76Fall Conference Website (English)  

Meeting report on 7th October 2017

We held our regular meeting at TVA on October, 7th., 2017.

We have two guests.

Toast Master of the Day: TM Yukimasa
Word of the Day: “Brilliant”

The Best Table Topic Speaker: TM Yuki
The Best Evaluator: TM Hirohisa
The Best Speaker: TM Mao

1st Speaker TM Mao “Be yourself”

2nd Speaker TM Yasuhide (Divison Contest rehearsal)

3rd Speaker TM Itaru“Fortune is unpredictable and changeable”
ご自身の大学時代から現在に至るまでの体験を、ことわざ "人間万事塞翁が馬" に例えてお話しくださいました。良い経験も悪い経験も、すべて次につながること、どんなことがあっても、前向きでいること、行動し続けること。熱いメッセージを、はじめてのスピーチで力強く語ってくださいました。

4th Speaker TM Yukako “Live each day”


本日は、4名のスピーカーの内、2名が初めてのスピーチとなるIce Breaker Speechに挑戦され、お二人共に見事なスピーチを披露くださいました。本当に素晴らしかったです。

コスモスTMCは、アットホームな雰囲気の中、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップスキルを楽しく和やかに学べる素敵な場です。いつでもご見学歓迎です! 是非、お気軽にお越しください。メンバー一同、心よりお待ちしております♪

By TM Tamaho(General Evaluator)

★2017 Fall Conference ★

District (All Japan ) Fall conference will be held on 2,3,4 November at Nikkei hall.

■We can  check the  information on the Website.

We will  enjoy  Tall Tales Contest ,special lecture by the  World Championship of Public Speaking from last year, Darren Tay ,fantastic workshops that are aligned with our theme “Bigger, Better, Bolder.” and so on at the Fall Conference.

■Resisteration will be opened by 31st October on this website.

Let's check it out!!