We tried holding the regular meeting Japanese for the first time.
It was challenging and enjoyable opportunity!!
TMOD : TM Seiken
Word of the Day: Cool/クール
Best Speaker TM Hirohisa
Best Evaluater TM Fuyo
Best Table Topic Speaker TM Tamaho
1st speaker TM Tsubasa "Lovely Day/ラブリーデイ"
He delivered the wonderful message and hints in order to keep our lives
positive and enjoyable. His tree tips was clear to illustrate and to persuade
audience. The speech itself was full of lovely.
2snd Speaker TM Chisako "一工程先はお客さま"
She shared the experience in freshman days.Even though the job we take in daily life connects to customer and value of the service.I felt sympathy with her message and wanna remember the purpose and goal of work.
3rd Speaker TM Hirohisa "飯田橋ロマンス"
The title caught audience‘ attention!He shared the success story of family rental bussiness in US humorously and vividly.He reccomend we Cosmos at Iidabashi woull start this bussiness.
Table topics and Table Topics(TT) lecture
We had seasonable and enjoyable Table topics.After Table Topics TM Yukako and Ayako held the mini lecture for TT.We enjoyed and learned these session. When we take TT Master, we select topics , topics speakers and can learn time management and appropriate comments due to limited time.
Cosmos Toastmasters club always welcomes new members and guests.Looking forward to seeing you at Iidabashi.