We congratulated Ms. Watanabe on her marriage!

Ms. Asaka gave a small speech about her New Year's resolution.
Mr. Takeuchi gave a small speech about his New Year's resolution.

Mr. Sagawa gave a small speech about his New Year's resolution.
We exchanged Christmas gifts.

Ms. Taniguchi evaluated the speech of Mr. Takeda.

Mr. Matsuura evaluated the speech of Ms. Watanabe.
Mr. Takeda gave a prepared speech titled "Song of Cosmos."

Ms. Watanabe gave a prepared speech titled "Merry Christmas!"
Dr. Katow conducted Voice training titled "White Christmas."
December meeting was held at Yoen (豫園) in Japan-China Friendship Center(日中友好会館) on 20th. It was Christmas party. Ms. Omiya was Toastmaster of the Day.

Next Meeting on Saturday 20th Dec.

Next December meeting will be held

Date: Saturday 20th Dec. 12:00-15:00

Start 12:00 at Yoen (豫園)in China-Japan Friendship Building(日中友好会館)just south to Kantoku-tei at Korakuen garden.

Fee: 3000yen

12:00 Party Start

TM Taniguchi was the best Table Topics speaker. Mr. Takeda was the best evaluator. Mr. Sakagami was the best speaker.

TM Watanabe evaluated whole of the meeting as a General Evaluater.

TM Takeda evaluated TM Sakagami's speech.

TM Takeuchi evaluated TM Taniguchi's speech.

TM Omiya evaluated TM Sagawa's speech.

Table Topic Master TM Takeuchi

4th Speaker TM Sakagami "Working-style revolution"

3rd Speaker TM Taniguchi Speaker "Parliamentary Procedure"

2nd Speaker TM Sagawa "System engineer's eye"

TM Katow Evaluated TM Asaka's speech.

First Speech,Favorite Book .TM Asaka.

Word of the day was TM Takeda.He selected the word "Stretch".

Today's Toastmaster of the day was TM Koga.

Next Meeting on Saturday, November 22

Next November meeting will be held

Time & Date: Saturday, November 22 at 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 
Venue: Atlas Edogawa Apartment House
Access: 8 minutes walk from Iidabashi station

Guests are always welcome! Let's brush up your communication skills together!

アトラス江戸川アパートメント ATLAS Edogawa Apartment House
〒162-0814 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinogawamachi, 6−18
Community Room 152 (Call interphone number 152 at the entrance)

Mr. Matsuura was the best Table Topics speaker. Mr. Kojima was the best evaluator. Mr. Koga was the best speaker.

Mr. Matsuura evaluated the speech of Ms. Miyashita.

Ms. Sakagami evaluated the speech of Mr. Koga.

Mr. Kojima evaluated the speech of Ms. Asaka.

Mr. Takeuchi evaluated the speech of Ms. Omiya.

Mr. Takeda was General Evaluator.

Mr. Sagawa conducted Table Topics Session.

Mr. Ngoc gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "My past and plan."

Ms. Miyashita gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "A typhoon Success."

Mr. Koga gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "Matchmaking party."

Ms. Asaka gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "For the first time in my life."

Ms. Omiya gave a speech about her favorite book. The title of the book was "Down syndrome baby's mother."

Mr. Matsuura introduced Word of the day. It was "Just because --- doesn't mean 〜〜〜."

October meeting was held in Atlas Edogawa Apartment on 18th. Ms. Watanabe was Toastmaster of the Day.

Next Meeting on Saturday, October 18

Next October meeting will be held

Time & Date: Saturday, October 18 at 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 
Venue: Atlas Edogawa Apartment House
Access: 8 minutes walk from Iidabashi station

Guests are always welcome! Let's brush up your communication skills together!

アトラス江戸川アパートメント ATLAS Edogawa Apartment House
〒162-0814 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinogawamachi, 6−18
Community Room 152 (Call interphone number 152 at the entrance)


Dr. Katow was runner-up of Humorous Speech contest in English. Mr. Sagawa was champion!



Mr. Matsuura gave a speech in English. The title of the speech was "The gods of cleaning."

Mr. Sagawa gave a speech in English. The title of the speech was "How to make Humorous Speech."

Mr. Takeda gave a speech in English. The title of the speech was "Salt."

Dr. Katow gave a speech in English. The title of the speech was "Hot lecture on marriage."
Humorous Speech contest was held in Atlas Edogawa Apartment on 20th. Ms. Watanabe was the Contest Chair.