Next Meeting on Saturday, September 20

Next September meeting will be held

Time & Date: Saturday, September 20 at 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 
Venue: Atlas Edogawa Apartment House
Access: 8 minutes walk from Iidabashi station

We will have humorous speech contest in both English and Japanese.

Guests are always welcome! If you like English or Presentation, please feel free to join us!

アトラス江戸川アパートメント ATLAS Edogawa Apartment House
〒162-0814 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinogawamachi, 6−18
Community Room 152 (Call interphone number 152 at the entrance)

Mr. Matsuura was the Best Table Topics Speaker. Mr. Takeda was the Best Evaluator. Ms. Konishi was the Best Speaker.
Ms. Katsumura was Grammarian.
Ms. Taniguchi was General Evaluator.
Mr. Takeda evaluated the workshop of Mr. Takeuchi.
Ms. Sakagami evaluated the speech of Mr. Sagawa.
Ms. Watanabe evaluated the speech of Ms. Konishi.
Mr. Matsuura was a Table Topics Speaker. The question was "Where is the best place to spend in summer?"
Ms. Toyomasu was a Table Topics Speaker. The question was "What do you recommend to eat in summer?"
Mr. Takeda was a Table Topics Speaker. The question was "What is the most favorite thing in summer?"
Ms. Okada was Table Topics Master.
Mr. Takeuchi had a workshop. The title of the workshop was "Toastmasters Education Program".
Mr. Sagawa gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "Before the ice break".
Ms. Konishi gave a prepared speech. The title of the speech was "My magic spell".
Mr. Ownby had a workshop. The title of the workshop was "Humorous Speech".
Mr. Koga gave a speech about his favorite book. The title of the book was "SLAM DUNK".
Mr. Kojima was Toastmasters of the Day.
August meeting was held in Koishikawa Korakuen Kantoku-tei on 16th.
Dr. Katow had a voice training. The title of the voice training was "imagine"

Workshop on 16th

Matthew Ownby will have a workshop in Cosmos Toastmasters Club Meeting on 16th. The title of the workshop is "Just What is a Humorous Speech?" It will cover the basics behind creating a humorous speech and the judging criteria for the speech contest.