Meeting report on April 21st

Meeting report on Cosmos TMC #112nd Regular meeting on April. 21st, 2018.

TMOD: TM Miao 

Best Speaker: TM Chisako 
Best Table Topcs Speaker: TM Fuyo 
Best Evaluator: TM Hiroe 

Word of the day:Conceptualization

We welcomed 1 new member today.

Cosmos TMC's 112th regular meeting was held at Atlas Edogawa. 

■Prepared Speech Session

1st Speaker: TM Chisako 'Make a
life more atractive by personal color'
She introduced us the importance and effects of personal color while using tools effectively.

2nd Speaker: TM Hirohisa 'Welcome Tom Hanks'
He acted as Tom Hanks and told us a variety kind of behind-the-scenes-stories about movies in the form of the interview.

3rd Speaker: TM Mineko 'My life is changing'
She spoke about the reform of working while using her own experiences about work-style reforms.

■Table Topics Session
TM Ken took a role of Table Topic Master and prepared interesting and timely topics for the session.

■Evaluation Session
Three evaluators gave good points and suggestions to improve speeches.

People usually hesitate to mention suggestions and severe comments. Especially, they became closer.

However, all cosmos toastmasters always try giving suggestions because we really want others to enhance their skills a lot.
That is the greatest thing in our clubs for me.

Their comments were helpful not only for today’s prepared speakers but also for other members who will make their speeches in the future.

If you are interested in our club activities, please feel free to come and visit us.

Cosmos TMC club is one of the best places to enhance and learn your communication and leadership skills.
Let's learn together.

Report by TM Tsubasa (General Evaluator)